Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our New Gadgets

Thanks to the efforts of our past students, we have won the National Popular Science Young Inventors Challenge 2 years in a row. Because of this our students won money and cameras as well as classroom supplies for us! We are so excited to use our new Air Slate, binoculars, magnifying glasses, field microscopes, and video cameras. We are also excited to announce that our Tree House is on schedule to be built. Thanks to Joe Graham and crew for building it, George West for making the draft, Tess Graham for serving as project manager, and Steven Barrows for coming up with the drawing for the contractor. Also, a big thanks to Trader Osburn for making a model of the tree house. He and Avery Williamson will go with me to the Capitol next week to present our tree house to our legislators. I am SO proud of all the kids for pulling together to make this project a reality.