Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Years ago when I had Dr. White in class, he gave us this lab idea. Each student went outside to get a rock, any size or shape. They were given 2 minutes to observe the rock. After that the rocks were collected and they had to find their rock using their sense of touch only. We extended the lab by measuring around the rock in centimeters, then we logged the mean, median, mode, and range for the group of rocks for each class. We had a lot of fun!

Today is Mrs. Glenn's last day in our classroom. We have enjoyed having her immensely! She is a wonderful person and teacher!

Like Corey said, "In our class we celebrate Earth Day every day because we always reduce, reuse, and recycle. We also watch how much water and electricity we use at our homes." Today, though, in celebration of Earth Day we went outside and picked up trash.