This past summer I got to participate in the ExplorOlogy program at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History, located in Norman, Oklahoma. It was AWESOME!! As part of this program we got to have two of the scientists, Charles and Jess, come to Jay to study with us in the field. The kids and I have been looking forward to this day for over a month and it did not disappoint! They taught us about classification, dichotomous keys, and biodiversity. We hypothesized, hiked around the outdoor classroom, and recorded in our journals. We found our outdoor classroom is a healthy environment. The morning group found close to 200 species and the afternoon group found over 200 species. The kids also got to tour a museum exhibit and ask questions after we did our work in the field. Charles ended the day by teaching us about paleontology. It was a tremendous day! We'd like to thank Charles and Jess for an outstanding job! We'd also like to thank Jett's Mom and Zach's Mom for volunteering today! It will be a day to remember!