Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Fun

 You never know WHAT to expect when you enter Room 8 and this past week was no exception!  One of our last labs for our ocean unit was learning about the importance of blubber for whales, seals, walruses, and dolphins.  Those brave enough immersed their arm in icy water for 20 seconds.  Then they repeated it with a blubber mitt.  The blubber protected them from the extreme temperature! 

We also learned about luminescence.  We did a lab with Wintergreen Lifesavers to demonstrate triboluminescence.  We also did a lab with phosphorescence using a screen and wand.  Lastly, we performed a lab dealing with chemiluminescence with glow sticks.  During the glow stick lab we also tested the temperature of warm and cold water.  We put the glow sticks into both to see which caused them to glow brighter.  A demonstration was done by Mrs. Daftari dissecting a green, blue, and red glow stick then mixing them all together.  It made white light because these are the primary colors of light!  All in all we had a wonderful time!  Thank you to Jett's parents for donating the glow sticks to dissect!  Also, thanks to all of you who are helping us get ready for our next big lab on Friday: cell cookie models.  We appreciate ALL you do for Room 8!!