Friday, October 14, 2011

Shark Chalk

Dilon and Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
 Thank you to Dr. Trey Driggers for inspiring us to do sidewalk shark chalk art!  We learned about each shark's length, defining characteristics, types of prey preferred, and types of jaws.  Each group of scientists was responsible for drawing the shark accurately.  Other groups went around and made observations, trying to figure out the species that each group drew.  Several groups wanted to lay down next to their sharks to see how big it was in comparison to them.  Who knew a little bit of chalk and measuring tape could be so fun?!
Spined Pygmy Shark- Now THAT is a small shark!

Whale sharks are HUGE!! 

Bull Shark


Tiger Shark

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

Scientists at work!

Yes!  We FINALLY got the Whale Shark done!

The entire class can fit in this whale shark!

Tiger Shark

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

Bull Shark

Nurse Shark with prey
Smooth Dogfish Shark