Thursday, November 17, 2011

Betta Fish Aggression Testing

 Take a look at our scientists at work! We are testing the aggression of betta fish.  First we gathered all our materials, then hypothesized about which fish will be most aggressive and least aggressive. 

We are looking for things such as biting, opening of gill covers, fin flashing, coloration change, and beating of pectoral fins.  Today we will continue our research, then we will hypothesize about which male the female bettas will choose.  Ask your child about the research we learned about what a female does when she sees the male betta's aggression. It is very interesting! 

We would like to thank all of you who helped us get the fish and supplies to make this testing successful!  We would also like to thank Jessa Watters who helped Mrs. Daftari learn about animal behavior this summer at OU!  Check back later for our results on these tests!