Thursday, September 24, 2015

OK Archaeological Society Fall Dig

I am SO proud of how well our kids did at the dig site at Fort Washita! (Note: Fort Washita was established in 1842 in order to protect the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indians from the Plains Indians.) We joined archaeologists and graduate students to collect data that will be recorded in the museum of archives! Some of what we found will be placed in museums. The site we investigated was originally thought to be a blacksmith shop. After excavation, it seems it was a workshop/ wagon shop. 

Our archaeological team found many items including nails, glass, ceramic, bones, metal, bolts, a horse shoe, and needle bone.

(Note: The units at the dig site are one square meter. We would dig 10 cm (4 inches) to complete a level. The items found are placed in a labeled bag. The rest of the dirt is placed in a bucket which is placed in the screen to be investigated for any items missed while digging.)