Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Our Painting

I am on the DCCSAN (Delaware County Children's Special Advocacy Network) board. Our organization helps children who have been abused. When my director asked me to find a student to do a painting for our auction, I immediately thought of one of my former students, Ashley Teague, who is an art student in college. We also wanted to get as many students as we could involved in this painting, thus Ashley had me ask the students to draw "What Makes Me Happy." She then collaged these drawings on the dress and bow of the little girl in the painting. This weekend at our Winterset auction it sold for $6,800!! As you can imagine, we are all on Cloud 9! We would like to thank Dr. Chouteau and Integris Grove General Hospital for purchasing the painting, as well as Framing and More who framed our painting for free. (The framing was valued at $400.) This is an excellent example of how children can make a difference. I am one proud teacher!!