Thursday, December 2, 2010

Another Balloon Found

Today we got an email from Mrs. Burnette. She found Mattie's balloon in (Are you ready for this??): Foggertown, Clay County, Kentucky!!!! It was found on December 1st, nearly 2 weeks after our launch date on November 19th. We googled it to find her balloon traveled approximately 775 miles!!!!!! We are SO excited! In our class we know the sky is the limit!!!

I also would like to brag on Mattie. Because we didn't know if we'd have enough helium for all 100 students, each child got one balloon only. Another student's balloon popped before getting to launch it. She gave hers to him. I told her if she came back later I would make sure she got another one. She came back at the end of the day and launched her balloon which traveled all the way to Kentucky! Way to go, Mattie! Your awesome attitude is an example for all to follow!